$76.45 before coupons and sales
$23.05 after coupons and sales
$53.40 saved
I got:
13 box of Ronzoni Garden Pasta
1 dz. eggs
1 Peppridge Farms Sandwich Flats
1 Weight Watchers Coffee Cake
2 Swiss Miss Cocoa
1 Oatmeal
1 Idohean Mashed Potatoes
1 Dannon Light Yogurt
2 Peter Pan Peanut Butter
1 Red Wine Vinegar
1 Balsamic Vinegar
1 Sprite Zero
1 Coke Zero
1 lb. Beef Stew meat
2 Batter Blaster Pancake stuff
10 tangerines
2 Green Giant Frozen Veggies
1 1lb. organic carrots